Did I mention I love Buenos Aires? Okay...I LOVE Buenos Aires. I'm in love with this city because...
1. The people are friendly and welcoming. Case in point - I've been invited to share multiples asados with people who take care of all the food, barbeque, drinks, and then tell me "You have to eat more." If that's not love, I don't know what is.
Asado at the hostel - employees and guests gathering |
2. It's so easy and cheap to get around on the Subway
3. The meat is delicious
4. The wine is copious
5. It's sunny, hot and humid
6. They eat breakfast, lunch, an afternoon snack (like "once" - bread, ham, cheese) AND a late dinner - now that's my style. 4 meals.
7. It's common to eat outside where restaurants and cafes line tables along the sidewalks
My first lunch in BA - pizza and salad at a cafe on the street |
8. There are so many interesting foreigners from all over the world
9. Everybody says to grab the meat with your hands at an asado
10. The Porteños (people from BA) are proud of their city and are almost arrogant about it :)
11. The shopping is cheap (relatively speaking but not as cheap as it was 5 years ago)
12. Oh wait....did I mention the meat and the wine???
Meat is passed around on a cutting board - already nicely cut into pieces |
This list is just the tip of the iceberg. But obviously I'm obsessed, so I'll continue adding to it as I learn and discover more.
A few years ago I went through a couple rough months - I felt helpless. I had moved to Atlanta, but couldn't find a job, missed my family, lost some friendships I treasured, and didn't feel like I was making any progress in my life.
My friend told me I was ridiculous. At first I didn't appreciate his lack of sympathy (woe was me), but when he told me to make a list of all the things I was thankful for, I obliged. The paper was quickly filled with my many blessings. I still have that paper tucked away, and pull it out from time to time when I'm feeling sad or "down and out."
I realized when I took the time to recognize what I was happy about, it made me more aware of the good things instead of dwelling on the "bad." My mood changed, I was more appreciative, and felt like the things that weren't going my way really didn't matter as much as the things that did.
Today, I challenge you to make a list. Write down at least one of the following:
- the things you love about someone or something - if it's about someone, I dare you to give it to them :)
- the things you're thankful for
- the people you care about (or that care about you)
- the things you've accomplished in your life
- the lessons you've learned
As you can tell - I love lists. They bring this awareness and energy. Just try it. See if you like it. And let me know how it goes...